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Femme & Fauna

  • Normandale Fine Arts Gallery 9700 France Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55431 USA (map)

The “Femme”: Jo Ann Hendricks is a Jack-of-all-trades when it comes to art mediums. For this exhibit she has gathered drawn-from-life women that have been painted in bright, fanciful colors.  

The “Fauna”: Ingrid Restemayer creates fiber art with intricate etchings of animals on handmade papers, successively collaged with fine papers and punctuated by hand-embroidery. The finished work has a hint of storytelling with the use of these images as pseudo-illustrations for a kind of narrative when paired with code-like paragraph shapes formed from the hand-embroidery.

For nearly two decades, JoAnn and Ingrid have been inspiring and mentoring each other on art and community projects. This exhibit represents a natural coming-together of their individual works. Though the mediums and subject matter differ, each contains expressions of color that, while not found in the reality of our subjects, emphasizes mood while the character maintains a recognizable reality. 

Femme & Fauna, works by JoAnn Hendricks and Ingrid Restemayer will be on view at Normandale Fine Arts Gallery through October 8, 2021.

Opening Reception with Artist Talk: Wednesday, September 15, 5-7:30pm

September 4

September Open Saturdays at NKB

September 18

September Open Saturdays at NKB